Sunday, November 6, 2011

Video Tutorial Using Jing

It is our video tutorial about the collaborative tool, Google Docs.

Direct Link:

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We all agree that Google Docs really helps people to collaborate each other in groups since the group members can edit the same document simultaneously. And members also can share resources by uploading files to the Docs. With the permission settings (in Docs, it is called sharing setting), teachers can easily share online resources with different classes or students. Students can also allow their groupmates to access their documents to give comments or replies. It shows there is interaction between people.

Further readings,


  1. While using google doc for collaborative construction of MITE 6024 assignments between our team members, I always think that Google Doc should enhance its features so that the inputs from different login users will be highlighted in different colours. This can save us a lot of efforts to search through the whole google documents before we can figure out the changes added by other users.

  2. Yes, it is really true that members sometimes find it is difficult to know who actually have contributed to the docs. Also, filing in Google Docs need to be improved.
