Sunday, December 4, 2011

Reflection on Mobile Learning

Mobile learning is definitely not a new term in the 21st century.  However, to imply in teaching and learning in real setting is yet to be developed. All the portable mobile devices are out there for teachers to choose and purchase. But as far as we know, at least in local schools, teachers would usually purchase new items but seldom had a chance to use it in real teaching. So it's really importance to maintain a good policy in using IT for teaching and learning. We believe that teachers are playing important role in implementing all the new pedagogy or else no learning would be undergoing.

Besides the role of teachers, where to use the mobile technology is also an important issue. We normally have lessons in the classroom. Bringing in mobile technology implies that the lesson would become more 'mobile'. Teachers could consider using all these outside a classroom setting so to further develop students' motivation in self-learning. For example, when assigning students to a field trip visiting to a reservoir for lower primary students, teachers could bring in mobile technologies like video cameras/tablet PC for taking data of what the students have found at that site. Then those learning materials outside school could then eventually bring in into a classroom.

All in all, mobile devices are hardware. Teachers should also prepare their 'heartware' when giving a lesson with mobile learning. This would be the most benefit to both students and teachers.

Further readings on Risal:


  1. Thank you for your sharing.

    In my view, if a group of students (eg. more than 50), i think teacher can not attract the attention of students at the outside through IT technology, becase there is very difficult to control for lower primary students. therefor, i agree with you that "it's really importance to maintain a good policy in using IT for teaching and learning."

  2. Policy does influence education. You may go to our post of session 8. We have included a great talk by Robinson which may give you some ideas about "policy".
